
Legal information

Vola.ro SRL

Vola.ro SRL

CUI: RO 17043146

Commercial Register: J40/20890/2004

Tourism License: 1504/15.09.2023

Insurance Certificate: 3931/07-12-2023

IATA License

Brevet Turism: 15103/19.05.2009

Capital social: 414.150 RON

Other information

General Directorate for Tourism Control and Authorization: 0800 868 282

ANPC phone number: 021 9551


If you want to contact Vola.ro, please use the communication methods available in the contact page vola.ro/contact.

If you have a GDPR topic to address to Vola.ro, please send us an email at [email protected].

If you have a subject to report under Law no. 361/2022 on the protection of whistleblowers in the public interest, please send us an email at [email protected].

The insurance policy guaranteeing the payment of the repatriation expenses of tourists and the reimbursement of the amounts paid by tourists for the purchase of tourist services/packages in case of non-fulfillment of all or part of the purchased services/packages: Nr. 3931 /07-12-2023 issued by German Romanian Assurance S.A., with headquarters in Bucharest, str. Emil Garleanu, nr. 11, bl. 49, sector 3, valid until 17.12.2024.